Handshake of two boys racers on their homemade wooden car. Retouch for retro

Manuscript Submissions

Anamcara Press currently accepts un-agented manuscript submissions of fiction, non-fiction, short story collections and poetry collections.

Please include a cover letter with your submission, a short description of your book, and the first thirty pages. Also, please explain why you think your book is a good fit for Anamcara Press. You may submit your manuscript at anytime during the year. We do not return manuscripts, and request online submission and fee payment.

If you want your manuscript to be considered for the Amity Literary Prize, please submit your manuscript between October 1 – December 31 at: https://acpbackup.anamcara-press.com/the-pen-pal-prize/


Cover letter: Your full name (and pseudonym if applicable), your address, telephone number, and email address

Your document. For poetry, please submit up to five poems. For fiction and non-fiction, please submit up to 8,000 words or the first thirty pages.

Save submissions as a single Microsoft Word file or PDF that includes your cover letter and document. (If you mail your submission, please send a copy and retain your original document. Manuscripts will not be returned.)

  1. Cover letter: Your full name (and pseudonym if applicable), your address, telephone number, and email address (if you have one). Please tell us about your reader — the person who you’ve written for — how you expect to market your book, and what your qualifications are for writing this work. Also tell us why you think your submission would be a good fit for Anamcara Press.
  2. Synopsis: Please include in the synopsis an estimated word count for your complete manuscript (a synopsis is a brief overview of your work which should not exceed 500 words.)
  3. Your full manuscript. (If you mail your manuscript, please send a copy and retain your original document. Manuscripts will not be returned.)

After paying the $8 submission fee for your submission, you will be redirected to a page where you can submit your manuscript.

Please contact us if you have any questions about submitting your work at:
PO Box 442072
Lawrence KS 66044-2072
(785) 843-1849

We look forward to receiving your submission.