spinning universe
Spinning Universe is a daring poetry compilation. Quantum and evolutionary, Cearbhall’s poetry spans the microcosm and macrocosm. It touches our tenderest emotions and sends us soaring into outerspace. It will truly send your universe spinning!

Mitch Cearbhall hardly fits anyone’s image of the stereotypical poet-intellectual. Considered a bit of a “black sheep”, Cearbhall is, in his own words, “the balancer, The truncator, The giver of equilibrium,” giving “momentum back” to those of us ready to receive.
Mitch Cearbhall is a teacher, student, and researcher on topics from conflict management to spiritual and personal development, focusing on consciousness studies and new interpretations of quantum mechanics. He has published many articles and two books, Spinning Universe and Imagination to Manifestation: How To Create Abundance – an intender’s workbook.

Imagination to Manifestation: How to
Create Abundance – an intender’s workbook
On your journey through Mitch Cearbhall’s intention manual: Imagination to Manifestation: How to Create Abundance – an intender’s workbook, you are presented with many obstacles, just as you are in life. Cearbhall points out, “The path you follow toward self-determination and control of your destiny is not without stumbling-stones, but there are allies and helpers along the way.”
In chapter two you’ll encounter the obstacle of desire, and learn to be loyal to the expectations of your higher self.
In chapter three you’ll encounter the obstacle of doubt, and learn the language of magic, and the difference between wishing and intending.
In chapter four you’ll encounter the obstacle of narrow-vision, and learn to set clear-sighted intentions by discovering your blind-spots.
In chapter five you’ll encounter the obstacle of fear, and learn how to develop single-mindedness.
In chapter six you’ll encounter the obstacles to mindfulness, and learn the significance of gratitude.
In chapter seven, you’ll encounter the obstacle of sloth, and learn the power and momentum of intention.
The next step in the process of transformation is to buy Mitch’s book and get started on a new path today!
According to Mitch, “We can all become skilled warriors in our lives.”