A scrappy small publisher, Anamcara Press has a scrappy, small team! In addition to producing compelling books by folks with powerful voices, we also distribute a journal, The Write Bridge, and urge readers to “mind the gap.”

Author Maureen "Micki" Carroll

Anamcara” Press LLC was founded by Maureen Carroll in 2014 in celebration of art and community, and in support of authors and artists in their creative endeavors.
Carroll is a writer, educator, photographer, graphic designer, and all around cat herder! Her first book, “A Wyoming Cowboy in Hitler’s Germany” Combines war era correspondence and 70 year old photographs to depict an age of heroism and innocence. “The Tree Who Walked Through Time” was published in collaboration with 17 artists, including crop artist Stan Herd. Carroll has also published several children’s books, and many non-fiction articles & training programs, and blogs about consciousness and community at

Assistant Editor and Publicist, Amber Fraley is your typical Gen Xer suburban Kansas wife and mom of one who grew up a book nerd in a dysfunctional family and now writes about those experiences as hilarious therapy. She’s the author of the darkly humorous essay collection “From Kansas, Not Dorothy,” and the viral essay “Gen X Will Not Go Quietly,” as well as numerous human interest articles. Amber loves Kansas with all her heart, is frequently awkward in public, and desperately wishes to see a tornado and live to tell the tale.

Art/Design Editor, Kathleen (Kat) Williams is a multi-disciplinary artisan and scholar. Mythologist, metalsmith, seamstress, and songstress, Kat loves all things creative. With ample degrees in Arts and Culture she brings a diversified aesthetic to the publications of Anamcara Press. When she’s not writing new myths or hand-craftng adornments, she’s singing songs and helping other writers with their websites. You can find more about her and her work at

Alisha Ashley is a digital marketing strategist and campaign coordinator with fifteen years’ experience in social justice and advocacy work. She writes short stories, poetry, and contemplative essays on politics, organizing for societal change, and trauma recovery. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Kansas and a Strategic Planning Certificate from UC Berkeley. She lives in Lenexa, KS with her husband Scott and their dog, Everett.

Vicki Julian is a writer/editor who loves to do both equally. She is an award winning writer, avid reader, and editor of a best seller on Amazon.  Her clientele has included a Distinguished Professor of English, retired university administrator, publisher, author of fun thriller/mystery books, financial counselor, art gallery owner/author, and many others.  Vicki is the author of 10 books and her work has appeared in 12 anthologies including Chicken Soup for the Soul, andvarious newspapers and magazines. She began offering editing services with Anamcara Press after forming an alliance and becoming friends with Maureen (Micki Carroll) when they first began offering memoir writing workshops. Contact Vicki at:

Ronda Miller is a Life Coach specializing in trauma. Miller teaches The Importance of Voice for Trauma Transformation in concert with The Johnson County Library, School of Trades and Department of Corrections. 

Her five books of poetry include: Going Home: Poems from My Life, MoonStain, WaterSigns, Winds of Time and I Love the Child.  Miller was state President for Kansas Authors Club, 2018 – 2019, and currently sits on the Board of The Writers Place where she is committee chair (at risk teen poetry classes) for the yearly In Our Own Words anthology. 

An IBPA member since 2020, Anamcara Press is a small press that follows the traditional model and partners with select authors to help them achieve their vision and find their audience. Our goal is to help our authors have the best opportunity to receive pre-release editorial reviews and post-release awards, and to get their book into bookstores and libraries in print and online. In addition to creating print books and eBooks, we also produce audio books and videos, and maintain an active community involvement.

  • The Editor, Maureen (Micki) Carroll, ensures our books are beautiful and appealing to readers.
  • Our manuscript editor, Vicki Julian, works with authors to ensure each book is ready for readers.
  • Our Poetry editor, Ronda Miller, works with poets to ensure the poetry collection is ready for readers.
  • Each book’s cover design is reviewed by our Art/Design Editor, Kathleen (Kat) Williams
  • Our Assistant Editor and Publicist, Amber Fraley, connects with community and shares creative ideas for promotion.
  • Our Digital Marketing Manager, Alisha Ashley, works with authors and ensures each book has online presence.

We offer an Author Educational blog and YouTube series to help authors succeed in their writing and marketing efforts. We also offer in-house assistance from our team / marketing mavens / group of wild women to assist with social media promotion and events.

We look forward to getting to know you!