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Anamcara Press is a scrappy, small publisher producing fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and a journal, The Write Bridge. Our goal is to serve community and the planet, and create a bridge with words.

Anamcara Press partners with select authors to help them achieve their vision and find their audience. We are a traditional small publisher in that we do not charge authors to publish. We partner with authors post-publication to market their book (which may involves costs.) Our goal is to help our authors have the best opportunity to receive pre-release editorial reviews and post-release awards, and to get their book into bookstores and libraries in print and online. In addition to creating print books and eBooks, we also produce audio books and videos, and maintain an active community involvement.

The Editor (Maureen Carroll) will work to ensure your book is beautiful and appealing to readers. Your book’s design will be reviewed by our Art/Design Editor (Kat Williams), and our Assistant Editor/Publicist ((Amber Fraley) will help you implement a marketing plan for the book’s promotion.


At Anamcara Press, we collaborate with artists and appreciate the rich nuance original art brings to our books and journals. Whether the ultimate goal is an electronic book on Kindle or a table-top fractal book, Anamcara press works with skilled designers and experienced artists, each with their own flair, to create the most appealing and revealing presentation of the artist’s and author’s works and words. Working in a cooperative process with Anamcara Press, authors and artists are encouraged to explore possibilities.

Here are a few of the artists whose works you will see represented in Anamcara Press books and journals.


If your book is accepted for publication, Anamcara Press will guide you through the publishing process. Anamcara Press will ensure your book is professionally edited, and both the interior of the book and the cover of the book are designed for reader-appeal. Anamcara Press works closely with authors throughout the publication process to make certain the final copy meets the author’s, and reader’s expectations.

Anamcara Press will provide distributable ISBNs in all three formats—hard, soft, eBook—and your book will be considered by bookstores & libraries. This does not guarantee that bookstores or libraries will carry your book, however. Anamcara Press will communicate with local and regional booksellers, as well as some national / international booksellers on behalf of your book. Anamcara Press will also display your book, along with other publications, at trade shows and other events. Your book will be listed on our website and in our print and online catalog. And Anamcara Press will provide additional assistance in creating and applying appropriate metadata and marketing and actively promote your book. 

In addition to wide distribution of your book worldwide (and local distribution at our library and bookstore), Anamcara Press provides the following for each title:

  1. project management
  2. formatting/typesetting and interior design
  3. compilation of front and back matter
  4. cover layout and design
  5. all filing/registration fees
  6. ISBN allocation
  7. set up pre-order and look inside on Amazon
  8. PDF creation, POD set up, proofs, advanced copies 
  9. ebook formatting for different retailers
  10. distribution management (ebook and print versions) 
  11. List with all major online retailers
  12. legal deposit Library of Congress *
  13. bookseller information sheet, also called media kit or press release
  14. quality control checks
  15. print ordering
  16. Advertising & Marketing assistance

*In the United States, any copyrighted and published work must be submitted in two copies to the United States Copyright Office at the Library of Congress. This mandatory deposit is not required to possess copyright of unpublished works, but a copyright registration can give an author enhanced remedies in case of a copyright violation. The Library of Congress does not retain all works. 


Anamcara Press offers a complementary Author Education blog and YouTube series to help authors achieve their writing goals and succeed in their marketing efforts. We also offer in-house assistance from our publicity team / marketing team / group of wild women here to help. Kathleen Williams, Art/Design Editor and Amber Fraley, Assistant Editor/Publicist will assist with social media promotion and events.

Anamcara Press provides authors with a comprehensive list of (vetted) marketing options and their current costs to help inform authors avoid surprises, and to encourage authors to be selective from the get-go about their marketing activities. Each author chooses to do things a bit differently based on their personalities and proclivities. Our mutual goal—the author and publisher—is to get the book into the hands of as many readers as we can. We share profits 50/50 (unlike most publishers who share considerably less, Anamcara Press partners with our authors. We are not a vanity press.)


  1. Will this be your only book?
  2. Are you a member of an authors group (KAC)?
  3. Do you have a website?
  4. Do you blog?
  5. What forms of social media do you use?
  6. Do you have one or more email contact lists you can access/share?
  7. Are you interested in public speaking/book signings?
  8. What memberships/organizations are you personally involved with? Will they distribute your book/author announcements?
  9. Are you using Goodreads or Bookbub?
  10. Can you describe your book in 100 words or less?
  11. Can you describe your book in an “elevator pitch”?
  12. Do you have an author bio?
  13. What are your goals for this book? Hopes and wishes?
  14. Who are your favorite authors? Why?
  15. What books are similar to yours?


Integrity: primary aim is to enable authors to effectively publish and sell books. We follow through on all promised services and fully honor all publication agreement terms. 

Value: We add value to each publication commensurate with the fee charged, relieving authors of key publishing tasks, enhancing readability, design or discoverability.

Clarity: We make it clear what we can and cannot do for the writer and how our service compares to others.

Pricing: Our price quotations are accurate, transparent and complete. Pricing is in line with market norms.

Partnership: We involve authors in planning and decision-making for key aspects of the publication process, from titles and cover design to sales and marketing strategies.

Service: We are accountable for our work. We keep authors informed each step of the way and provide good customer service and follow-up.

Communication: We provide helpful and timely information to authors at all stages of publication, and beyond, and facilitate authors to get any ancillary information which we cannot provide.

Community: We have a long-term commitment to author-publishing and support the empowerment of self-publishing authors.

We distribute your book through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Google Play, and internationally through Ingram’s global network, as well as other retailers through Draft2Digital and Dreamscape.